Happy Father’s Day 2020
Today, we recognize the fathers in our life who provide strength, maturity, mentorship and protection in our community. On Father’s Day we cherish the men who stepped up and committed themselves to supporting their families.
Men have always been strong pillars in our community, even outside of a normal family structure. A good father is one of the most underappreciated, yet most valuable assets to our communities. Fathering has come in many forms, from uncles, grandfathers, coaches, ministers, activists and friends. As time passes, you continue to recognize father and father-figures who are there to offer guidance along the way. The powerful connection and strength of a father, can help ensure the well-being of our youth, protect our community and prepare them for the future.
I want to thank the fathers and father figures in my life who have helped sculpt the woman I am today. I’m grateful for the love, nurturing, faith and strength that has been the foundation of my strength. I’m thankful for my wonderful husband, Marvin, who has been a phenomenal father to our daughter, Nia and grandfather to our grandson and my stepfather John Lockett who has been there for me throughout my life.
I wish him along with all the fathers & father figures in our community who’ve supported and protected us as women, a heartfelt Happy Father’s Day.