Mount Vernon Launches Social Distancing Taskforce
On March 25th, 2020 Mayor Patterson-Howard launched the Social Distancing Task Force created which will include Police, Fire,Recreation, Office of Emergency Management departments.
The goal of the taskforce will be to encourage people not to congregate in groups and to practice social distancing. We’ve received an increase concern over groups of people still gathering together. So over the next few days members of the taskforce will be going out and urging people to seperate, practice social distancing, and use proper sanitary procedures.
Additionally, we will be removing all the basketball rims from parks across the city in collaboration with the Mount Vernon City School District. We’ve seen far too many people continuing to play basketball and not practice safe social distancing.
Additional updates
Alternate Side Parking is suspended until further notice. Check WWW.CMVNY.COM for more information.
Mount Vernon Hospital
We continue to advocate on behalf of the residents of Mount Vernon for a testing site in Mount Vernon. As of now, we worked with Montefiore Mount Vernon hospital to increase bed capacity by opening up the 6th floor. This has helped create 40 additional beds to battle the COVID-19 outbreak. Furthermore, the National Guard and Westchester Emergency Management constructed an external screening and triage tent at Mount Vernon Hospital for possible COVID-19 testing.
Mental & Behavorial Health Hotlines
For those in need of any mental health or domestic violence assitance please contact the Westchester County Department of Community Mental Health at 995–1900.
Small Business Assistance
For those small businesses who need assistance there is also a county hotline at 995–2900. You can also find more information at You can also seek more information from 211.