Storming of the Capitol; When Chaos Strikes Close to Home
Wednesday, Americans sat mouths agape as an attempted coup on our government unfolded in real-time. Fueled by disinformation and conspiracy theories, a mob of aggrieved Trump supporters stormed into the Capitol Building in a reckless attempt to stop Congress from certifying the electoral college victory of President-elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris. Haplessly believing soon-to-be former President Trump’s rants about a rigged election, they stormed the people’s house. The violent mob brandished Trump signs and other flags, including the Confederate flag. They trashed offices, planting bombs destroying signs and furniture. They hung a noose on the west side of the Capitol and flagrantly used white power gestures. The chaos and confusion stirred up by the insurrectionists will have a lasting impact on our nation.
Many in Mount Vernon have shared their frustration and fears around the brazen attack. While we should be outraged and alarmed as a nation, this painful moment also provides clarity on the destructive nature of disinformation that hits close to home. For years, Trump, abetted by right-wing media’s web of distortions, has stoked rage and grievances in his followers. He and his administration have twisted truths and fomented fallacies, leaving many in his flock believing even the most egregious conspiracy theories. They’ve proven just how vulnerable Americans are to disinformation campaigns, which can culminate in tragedy anywhere in the United States, even here in our City.
Even as Mount Vernon faltered because of inept leadership and misdirection, it struggled for decades drowning in deceit and disinformation. When I ran for Mayor in 2019, our campaign was deluged with robocalls, emails, and posts falsely tying me to some of the City’s most salacious characters. My commitment to the City and message of transformation shined through the sludge. Though the City voted decisively on November 4, 2019, the political chaos propelling our local disinformation never truly stopped campaigning. Instead, attempts at character assassination, bogus emails, robocalls, deception, and distortion crop up often, distracting us from the urgent health and economic challenges we face.
These actors claim to be holding the government accountable, but it’s really sowing chaos in a destructive ploy for power and political revenge. A lie told often enough can start to sound like the truth. Instead of marshaling the focus and teamwork necessary to overcome the continuing pandemic or ensuing economic crisis, our City must deal with the persistent drumbeat of disinformation. As we all learned on Wednesday, disinformation can lead to destruction by dangerously chipping away at our democracy. Facebook messages can turn fatal. Social media can sow the seeds that could upend our nation. Some of us will staunchly defend our City and dismiss the possibility that political disagreements can become riots on our soil. But, political machinations don’t have to be physically dangerous to wreak havoc. An ill-timed rumor could destroy our fragile gains as we fight to survive. How can we beat the pandemic and all its ghastly effects if we’re busy fighting each other?
The Capitol riot put our need for forging common ground in stark relief. Instead of letting political toxicity diminish our faith in one another and drain us, we need to nurture and support Mount Vernon. We must come together and fight to keep Mount Vernon Montefiore open and functional, we must fight for increased access to Mount Vernon’s financial data and prompt payment for vendors and services. We must fight to keep our city strong and resilient. Let’s kill the noise and roll up our sleeves.
Forward Together.